is one of the most commonly used components, used in some occasions that need to be clicked, such as plain text, pictures, and icons.
Code demo
Plain text button
import { Button } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<Button text="Click me" />
Pure icon button
import { Button, Utils } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const { convertX: cx } = Utils.RatioUtils;const powerPath = `M874.039 149.961c199.948 199.949 199.948 524.13 0 724.078-199.949 199.948-524.13 199.948-724.078 0-199.948-199.949-199.948-524.13 0-724.078 19.995-19.995 52.413-19.995 72.408 0 19.995 19.995 19.995 52.413 0 72.408-159.959 159.959-159.959 419.303 0 579.262 159.959 159.959 419.303 159.959 579.262 0 159.959-159.959 159.959-419.303 0-579.262-19.995-19.995-19.995-52.413 0-72.408 19.995-19.995 52.413-19.995 72.408 0zM562.2 0a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v510a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H461.8a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h100.4z`;<ButtoniconColor="#fff"size={24}style={{width: cx(48),height: cx(48),backgroundColor: '#1C1D1E',shadowColor: '#000',shadowOffset: {width: 0,height: 1,},shadowOpacity: 0.5,shadowRadius: 8,elevation: 8,}}wrapperStyle={{alignSelf: 'flex-start',}}iconPath={powerPath}/>
Button with Icon text
import { Button, Utils } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const { convertX: cx } = Utils.RatioUtils;const powerPath = `M874.039 149.961c199.948 199.949 199.948 524.13 0 724.078-199.949 199.948-524.13 199.948-724.078 0-199.948-199.949-199.948-524.13 0-724.078 19.995-19.995 52.413-19.995 72.408 0 19.995 19.995 19.995 52.413 0 72.408-159.959 159.959-159.959 419.303 0 579.262 159.959 159.959 419.303 159.959 579.262 0 159.959-159.959 159.959-419.303 0-579.262-19.995-19.995-19.995-52.413 0-72.408 19.995-19.995 52.413-19.995 72.408 0zM562.2 0a1 1 0 0 1 1 1v510a1 1 0 0 1-1 1H461.8a1 1 0 0 1-1-1V1a1 1 0 0 1 1-1h100.4z`;<ButtoniconColor="#fff"size={24}style={{width: cx(48),height: cx(48),backgroundColor: '#1C1D1E',shadowColor: '#000',shadowOffset: {width: 0,height: 1,},shadowOpacity: 0.5,shadowRadius: 8,elevation: 8,}}iconPath={powerPath}text={'power'}/><ButtoniconColor="#fff"textDirection="right"size={24}iconPath={powerPath}style={{width: cx(48),height: cx(48),backgroundColor: '#1C1D1E',}}textStyle={{color: '#fff',marginLeft: 0,marginRight: cx(15),}}wrapperStyle={{backgroundColor: '#1C1D1E',borderRadius: cx(12),marginLeft: cx(27),position: 'relative',top: cx(-12),shadowColor: '#000',shadowOffset: {width: 0,height: 1,},shadowOpacity: 0.5,shadowRadius: 8,elevation: 8,}}text={'power'}/>
Icon button (with background gradient)
import { Button } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<ButtontextDirection="right"size={40}icon="selected"iconSize={24}iconColor="#fff"text="Text"background={{x1: '20%',y1: '20%',x2: '30%',y2: '100%',stops: {'0%': '#ffff00','100%': '#000',},}}/>
extends TouchableOpacityProps