The Tabs tab bar is written by pure gestures, which solves the nesting problem caused by the previous implementation of ScrollView. In addition, the function of lazy loading
is added, and the TabContent
component is split out, which can be used separately.
Code demo
Basic Tabs
One screen displays four Tab labels by default. You can customize the number of tabs displayed on one screen through maxItem;
If the dataSource length exceeds maxItem, it will automatically become multi-screen;
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({activeKey1: '1',d1: [{ value: '1', label: 'Detector' },{ value: '2', label: 'Remote control' },{ value: '3', label: 'Emulator' },{ value: '4', label: 'Limited detector' },],});<TabsactiveKey={state.activeKey1}dataSource={state.d1}onChange={tab => setState({ ...state, activeKey1: tab.value })}/>
Multi-screen Tabs
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({activeKey2: '3',d2: [{ value: '1', label: 'Name' },{ value: '2', label: 'Age' },{ value: '3', label: 'Home address' },{ value: '4', label: 'Home' },{ value: '5', label: 'Community' },{ value: '6', label: 'Unit' },{ value: '7', label: 'Graduated school' },{ value: '8', label: 'Domicile' },],});<TabsactiveKey={state.activeKey2}dataSource={state.d2}onChange={tab => setState({ ...state, activeKey2: tab.value })}/>
Basic Tabs(Stateless component)
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({d2: [{ value: '1', label: 'Name' },{ value: '2', label: 'Age' },{ value: '3', label: 'Home address' },{ value: '4', label: 'Home' },{ value: '5', label: 'Community' },{ value: '6', label: 'Unit' },{ value: '7', label: 'Graduated school' },{ value: '8', label: 'Domicile' },]});<Tabs dataSource={state.d2} />,
Use TabContent alone-swipe left and right
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({activeIndex: 0,d1: [{ value: '1', label: 'Detector' },{ value: '2', label: 'Remote control' },{ value: '3', label: 'Emulator' },{ value: '4', label: 'Limited detector' },],});const handleRelease = (gestureState, index) =>setState({ ...state, activeIndex: index });<Tabs.TabContentpreload={false}activeIndex={state.activeIndex}onRelease={handleRelease}>{, idx) => (<Panel key={idx} title={`The ${idx} Page`} />))}</Tabs.TabContent>
Tabs with TabContent
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({activeKey1: '1',d1: [{ value: '1', label: 'Detector' },{ value: '2', label: 'Remote control' },{ value: '3', label: 'Emulator' },{ value: '4', label: 'Limited detector' },],});<TabsactiveKey={state.activeKey1}dataSource={state.d1}swipeable={true}onChange={tab => setState({ ...state, activeKey1: tab.value })}><Tabs.TabPanel>{new Array(2).fill(0).map((_, n) => (<TYListItem key={n} title={`Practice_${n}`} />))}</Tabs.TabPanel><Tabs.TabPanel>{new Array(2).fill(0).map((_, n) => (<TYListItem key={n} title={`Test_${n}`} />))}</Tabs.TabPanel><Tabs.TabPanel>{new Array(2).fill(0).map((_, n) => (<TYListItem key={n} title={`School building_${n}`} />))}</Tabs.TabPanel><Tabs.TabPanel>{new Array(2).fill(0).map((_, n) => (<TYListItem key={n} title={`Stencil_${n}`} />))}</Tabs.TabPanel></Tabs>
Tabs with content on multiple screens
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({activeKey2: '3',d2: [{ value: '1', label: 'Name' },{ value: '2', label: 'Age' },{ value: '3', label: 'Home address' },{ value: '4', label: 'Home' },{ value: '5', label: 'Community' },{ value: '6', label: 'Unit' },{ value: '7', label: 'Graduated school' },{ value: '8', label: 'Domicile' },],});const Panel = ({ title, largeData, }) => {return (<Tabs.TabPanel {}>{largeData ? (new Array(99).fill(0).map((_, idx) => <TYListItem key={idx} title={`${title}_${idx}`} />)) : (<TYListItem title={title} />)}</Tabs.TabPanel>);};<TabsactiveKey={state.activeKey2}dataSource={state.d2}onChange={tab => setState({ ...state, activeKey2: tab.value })}>{, idx) => (<Panel key={idx} title={data.label} />))}</Tabs>
Nested Tabs
import { Tabs } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({activeKey1: '1',activeKey2: '3',d1: [{ value: '1', label: 'Detector' },{ value: '2', label: 'Remote control' },{ value: '3', label: 'Emulator' },{ value: '4', label: 'Limited detector' },],});<TabstabPosition="bottom"underlineStyle={{ backgroundColor: 'transparent' }}activeKey={state.activeKey1}dataSource={state.d1}swipeable={false}onChange={tab => setState({ ...state, activeKey1: tab.value })}><Tabs.TabPanel background="#fff"><TabsactiveKey={state.activeKey2}dataSource={state.d2}onChange={tab => setState({ ...state, activeKey2: tab.value })}>{, idx) => (<Panel key={idx} title={data.label} />))}</Tabs></Tabs.TabPanel><Tabs.TabPanel background="#fff"><TYListItem title="Remote control" /></Tabs.TabPanel><Tabs.TabPanel background="#fff"><TYListItem title="Emulator" /></Tabs.TabPanel><Tabs.TabPanel background="#fff"><TYListItem title="Limited detector" /></Tabs.TabPanel></Tabs>
extends ViewProps