is a control bar with one or more buttons;ControllerBar.Group
is a collection of control bars.
Code demo
Basic Bottom Bar
import { ControllerBar } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '1', type: 'primary' },{ text: '2', type: 'primary' },]}/>
ControllerBar.Group base version
import { ControllerBar } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<ControllerBar.Group style={{ marginTop: 20 }}><ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '1', type: 'primary' },{ text: '2', type: 'primary' },]}/><ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '3', type: 'primary' },{ text: '4', type: 'primary' },]}/></ControllerBar.Group>
ControllerBar.Group Swiper version
import { ControllerBar } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<ControllerBar.Grouptype="swiper"style={{ marginTop: 20 }}swiperConfig={{style: { height: 60 },dotActiveStyle: { backgroundColor: 'red' },dotStyle: { backgroundColor: 'blue' },}}size={44}><ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '1', type: 'primary' },{ text: '2', type: 'primary' },]}/><ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '3', type: 'primary' },{ text: '4', type: 'primary' },]}/></ControllerBar.Group>
ControllerBar divide version
import { ControllerBar } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<ControllerBar.Group type="divide" style={{ marginTop: 20 }}><ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '1', type: 'primary' },{ text: '2', type: 'primary' },]}/><ControllerBarsize={44}button={[{ text: '3', type: 'primary' },{ text: '4', type: 'primary' },]}/></ControllerBar.Group>
继承自 ViewProps