is a collection containing a series of commonly used dialog boxes, used to display some Native-like components.
Code demo
Alert Dialog
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'Dialog.alert({title: 'Title',subTitle: 'Sub Title',confirmText: 'Confirm',onConfirm: (data, { close }) => {close();},});
Confirm Dialog
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'Dialog.confirm({title: 'Title',subTitle: 'Sub Title',cancelText: 'Cancel',confirmText: 'Confirm',onConfirm: (data, { close }) => {close();},});
Prompt Dialog(UnControlled)
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({promptUnControlled: '',});Dialog.prompt({title: 'Prompt Dialog (UnControlled)',cancelText: 'Cancel',confirmText: 'Confirm',defaultValue: state.promptUnControlled,placeholder: 'Password',onConfirm: (text, { close }) => {setState({ promptUnControlled: text });close();},});
Prompt Dialog(Controlled)
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({promptControlled: '',});Dialog.prompt({title: 'Prompt Dialog (Controlled)',cancelText: 'Cancel',confirmText: 'Confirm',value: state.promptControlled,placeholder: 'Password',onChangeText: text => {// Use value props to make prompt a controlled component and control the content of its input boxconst t = +text;if (typeof t === 'number' && !Number.isNaN(t)) {return text;}},onConfirm: (text, { close }) => {console.log('controlled text :', text);setState({ promptControlled: text });close();},});
Single Selection Checkbox Dialog
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({checkValueRadio: 'code1',});Dialog.checkbox({title: 'Required',cancelText: 'Cancel',confirmText: 'Confirm',type: 'radio',value: state.checkValueRadio,dataSource: [{value: 'code1',title: 'Sensor selection',},{value: 'code2',title: 'Room sensor calibration',},{value: 'code3',title: 'Floor sensor calibration',iconSize: 24,Icon: 'warning',reverse: true,hideOnUnselect: true,},],onConfirm: (value, { close }) => {setState({ checkValueRadio: value });close();},});
Multi Selection Checkbox Dialog
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'const [state, setState] = React.useState({checkValueSwitch: ['code1'],});Dialog.checkbox({title: 'Required',cancelText: 'Can'ce'l',confirmText: 'Confirm',type: 'switch',value: state.checkValueSwitch,dataSource: [{value: 'code1',title: 'Sensor selection',},{value: 'code2',title: 'Room sensor calibration',},{value: 'code3',title: 'Floor sensor calibration',},{value: 'code4',title: 'Adaptive function',},{value: 'code5',title: 'Frost protection function',iconSize: 20,Icon: 'warning',reverse: true,hideOnUnselect: true,},{value: 'code6',title: 'Test the scroll function',reverse: true,},],onConfirm: (value, { close }) => {setState({ checkValueSwitch: value });close();},});
List Dialog
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'Dialog.list({title: 'Ttile',subTitle: 'Content',dataSource: new Array(6).fill(1).map((_, idx) => ({title: idx === 0 ? 'Click for Close' : `option${idx}`,onPress: () => {idx === 0 && Dialog.close();console.log('Press', idx);},})),cancelText: 'Cancel',confirmText: 'Confirm',onConfirm: (data, { close }) => {close();},});
Custom Diglog
import { Dialog } from 'tuya-panel-kit'Dialog.custom({title: 'Custom',cancelText: 'Cancel',confirmText: 'Confirm',content: (<Viewstyle={{ height: 300, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }}><Text style={{ fontSize: 32, color: '#000' }}>Custom Content</Text></View>),onConfirm: (data, { close }) => {close();},});
extends TYFlatListProps
extends TYFlatListProps
extends TextInputProps