
Basic Usage

Can refer to basic demp src/main.js file

Use NavigatorLayout, The following steps are required:

  1. Write a React component that inherits the NavigatorLayout provided by tuya-panel-kit.
  2. Override the renderScene method to render the user's own page, which needs to return a valid React component
  3. If you need to achieve more refined routing control, such as page title, page background and other functions, you can override the hookRoute method to achieve.

Code demo

Jump between two pages

Can run our demo on Github for preview

First define a routing configuration, and then write a component inherited from NavigatorLayout.

Here we define routing tables for two pages (routers), They are page1 and page2, In the renderScene method, we can get the Navigator and the current routing object. Then when we render the page, we look for the correspnoding page in the routing table according to the id of the current route, If there is no corresponding page, we render the default home page.

import React from 'react';
import { NavigatorLayout, Theme } from 'tuya-panel-kit';
import Page from './page';
import Home from './home';
const routers = [
id: 'page1',
title: 'page1',
Scene: props => <Page {...props} num={1} />,
id: 'page2',
title: 'page2',
Scene: props => <Page {...props} num={2} />,
class MainLayout extends NavigatorLayout {
hookRoute(route) {
const theRoute = routers.find(r => ===;
return {
topbarStyle: { backgroundColor: '#ff6024' },
topbarTextStyle: { color: '#fff' },
showOfflineView: false, // The offline mask of the device is turned off for basic function debugging, and the production environment needs to be turned on
title: === 'main' ? 'Basic Jump Usage' : theRoute.title,
renderScene(route, navigator) {
let Scene = <Home navigator={navigator} />
const router = routers.find(r => ===;
if (router && router.Scene) {
const Component = router.Scene;
Scene = <Component navigator={navigator} {...route} />
return Scene;
const ThemedMainLayout = props => (
<Theme theme={{}}>
<MainLayout {...props} />
export default ThemedMainLayout;

The following is the implementation of page and home, through the push method of Navigator, we can jump to a certain page, and through the pop method, **return to the previous page **.

// page.js
import React from 'react';
import { View, Text, StyleSheet } from 'react-native';
import { Button } from 'tuya-panel-kit';
export default ({ num, navigator }) => (
<View style={[styles.container,]}>
<Text style={styles.welcomeTxt}>This is Page {num}</Text>
<Button style={styles.btnStyle} onPress={() => navigator.pop()}>
<Text style={styles.navTxt}>Click to go back!</Text>
// home.js
import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native';
import { Button } from 'tuya-panel-kit';
export default ({ navigator }) => (
<View style={[styles.container,]}>
<Text style={styles.welcomeTxt}>
Welcome to basic usage of NavigatorLayout
{[1, 2].map(v => (
onPress={() => navigator.push({ id: `page${v}` })}
<Text style={styles.navTxt}>Go to page {v}</Text>

Custom transition animation effect

Can run our demo on github for preview

NavigatorLayout uses the default page transition animation configuration, and the behavior will be: New pages are displayed from left to right, and fallbacks are displayed from right to left.

const SceneConfigs = {
gestures: {
pop: {

If you want to customize the page transition animation configuration, we can modify the parameters passed in navigator.push to customize the transition animation.

Below we use the effects VerticalUpSwipeJump and SwipeFromLeft, the following is the effect diagram:

If you have other transition animation needs, can refer to React Native Navigator Transition to configure the transition animation effect you want.

// home.js
import React from 'react';
import { View, StyleSheet, Text } from 'react-native';
import { Button } from 'tuya-panel-kit';
import { Navigator } from '@tuya-rn/react-native-deprecated-custom-components';
const sceneConfig = {
gestures: {
pop: {
const RouterConfig = [
txt: `VerticalUpSwipeJump to page 1`,
transition: {
txt: `SwipeFromLeft to page 2`,
transition: {
export default ({ navigator }) => (
<View style={[styles.container,]}>
<Text style={styles.welcomeTxt}>Screen Transition Example!</Text>
{[1, 2].map(v => (
onPress={() =>
id: `page${v}`,
sceneConfigs: RouterConfig[v - 1].transition,
<Text style={styles.navTxt}>{RouterConfig[v - 1].txt}</Text>


class NavigatorLayout<P = {}, S = {}> extends React.Component<
{ modalVisible: boolean } & S
> {
hookRoute(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute): NavigationOptions;
route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute,
navigator: DeprecatedNavigator,
): JSX.Element | undefined;


Used to control common page UI, see previous type signature. hookRoute receives a parameter route and needs to return a legal NavigationOptions, Inside NavigatorLayout, the return value of hookRoute will be used to render the relevant UI of the current page.

// The routing information of the page, the home page is a fixed value, and the other pages are determined by the parameters attached when the user passes `navigator.push`
interface DeprecatedNavigatorRoute {
id: string;
[routeProp: string]: any;
interface NavigationOptions {
* @desc Custom panel background
* number: render local image
* string: render color
* { uri: string }: render network image
* RadialGradientBackground: render radial gradient
* LinearGradientBackground: render linear gradient
| number
| string
| { uri: string }
| RadialGradientBackground
| (LinearGradientBackground & LinearGradientBackgroundOffset);
* @desc Custom header bar style
topbarStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>
* @desc Custom header text style
topbarTextStyle?: StyleProp<TextStyle>
* @desc Custom panel background style
backgroundStyle?: StyleProp<ViewStyle>
* @desc Custom header bar title
title?: string;
hideTopbar?: boolean;
* @desc Control whether to show offline mask
* @default true
showOfflineView?: boolean;
gesture?: boolean;
* @desc Whether to enable homepage gestures to return to the app list page
* @default true
enablePopGesture?: boolean;
* @desc Bluetooth offline prompt whether to cover the entire panel (except for the header bar)
* @default true
isBleOfflineOverlay?: boolean;
* @desc Custom rendering header bar
renderTopBar?: () => JSX.Element;
* @desc Custom rendering status bar
renderStatusBar?: () => JSX.Element;


Used to render page components, see the previous type signature, renderScene receives two parameters, route and navigator, and needs to return a valid JSXElement.

The specific type signatures of the parameters are shown below. Note that the on the home page is fixed to main.

// The routing information of the page, the home page is a fixed value, and the other pages are determined by the parameters attached when the user passes navigator.push
interface DeprecatedNavigatorRoute {
id: string;
[routeProp: string]: any;
// The Navigator api provided by React Native
interface DeprecatedNavigator {
getCurrentRoutes(): DeprecatedNavigatorRoute[];
immediatelyResetRouteStack(nextRouteStack: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute[]): void;
jumpBack(): void;
jumpForward(): void;
jumpTo(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute): void;
pop(): void;
popN(n: number): void;
popToRoute(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute): void;
popToTop(): void;
push(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute): void;
replace(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute): void;
replaceAtIndex(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute, index: number): void;
replacePrevious(route: DeprecatedNavigatorRoute): void;