RadialGradient is a radial gradient, similar to a linear gradient, except that it diverges and draws a gradient from a point.
Code demo
Radial gradient from yellow to blue outwards
import { RadialGradient } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<RadialGradientgradientId="Gradient1"style={{ width: 300, height: 200, marginLeft: 10 }}stops={[{offset: '0%',stopColor: '#ff0',stopOpacity: '1',},{offset: '100%',stopColor: '#00f',stopOpacity: '1',},]}rx="50%"ry="50%"fx="50%"fy="50%"cx="50%"cy="50%"/>
Radial gradient from red-yellow-pink outward
import { RadialGradient } from 'tuya-panel-kit'<RadialGradientgradientId="Gradient2"style={{ width: 300, height: 200, marginLeft: 10 }}stops={[{offset: '0%',stopColor: 'red',stopOpacity: '1',},{offset: '50%',stopColor: 'yellow',stopOpacity: '1',},{offset: '100%',stopColor: 'pink',stopOpacity: '1',},]}rx="50%"ry="50%"fx="100%"fy="50%"cx="50%"cy="50%"/>
Add a radial gradient effect to the panel background in the business
import { RadialGradient } from 'tuya-panel-kit'import _ from 'lodash';import React from 'react';import { View } from 'react-native';import { NavigatorLayout } from 'tuya-panel-kit';import composeLayout from './composeLayout';import configureStore from './redux/configureStore';import { routers } from './config';export const store = configureStore();class MainLayout extends NavigatorLayout {hookRoute(route) {return {...route,background: {stops: [{offset: '0%',stopColor: 'yellow',stopOpacity: '1',},{offset: '100%',stopColor: 'red',stopOpacity: '1',},],},};}renderScene(route, navigator) {let Scene = <View />let schema = {};let uiConfig = {};const { dispatch, devInfo, dpState } = this.props;if (!_.isEmpty(devInfo)) {schema = devInfo.schema || {};uiConfig = devInfo.uiConfig || {};}const router = routers.find(r => r.id === route.id);if (router && router.Scene) {const Component = router.Scene;Scene = (<ComponentdpData={{ state: dpState, schema, uiConfig }}dispatch={dispatch}navigator={navigator}{...route}/>);}return Scene;}}export default composeLayout(store, MainLayout);
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